Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Best Way To Put On Weight

The Best Way To Put On Weight

The Best Way To Put On Weight I read the reviews and people have to realize this is not a meal replacement it is suppose to be used with a meal and twice per day. Drinking it with water will not work as good as with milk. With just two servings, 1 quart whole milk, one banana, and ten table spoons of sugar free peanut butter blended once for the whole day I got an extra 2000 calories that are perfect for a morning, pre workout, and bed time shake (do not drink it all at once though split it over the course of a day. 

The Best Way To Put On Weight

With my normal food intake that might mean 4000+ calories even more if you are not sensitive to sugar and buy regular peanut butter. If you are not gaining weight with this, then you may be missing calories else The Best Way To Put On Weight where. Money wise thats one container a week almost (a little more), 1.5 gallons of milk, 2.5 small jars of peanut butter(homemade peanut butter is cheaper), and 7 bananas(the banana is optional and 2000 extra calories a day is still possible), so in all thats maybe 20 dollars a week (stop with the starbucks every morning and eat at home to make up that money) and maybe less if you buy peanut butter in bulk at costco or sam's club. 

The Best Way To Put On Weight

After two or three months of this you might not need to ever buy it again if you are keep a constant 2250 to 2500 calories a day from normal food intake. I say expect about 10 to 15 pounds a month if you do this every single day even on days you don't work out. Remember less then 3000 calories a day means probably no weight gain, 3500-4000 some moderate weight gain and anything above that is faster weight gain. An no running an hour a day won't hurt it trust me (no one loses much calories doing normal pace running for an hour a day). 

The Best Way To Put On Weight

The Best Way To Put On Weight